Kipushi, Congo

Umoja Sport is a charity founded by Elvis Nshimba, a natural leader and experienced coach certified in purposeful play. Umoja was born out of his passion for sustainable development, and his desire to use his knowledge and skills for empowering youth in communities across the DRC. 

Umoja Sport Foundation (USF) aims to trigger the development of target communities by equipping students and out of school youth, as well as empowering women who have not previously had access to quality education. 

Fully in-line with all other charities Project Africa works with, Umoja uses sport as an educational tool outside the classroom to raise awareness in communities on social issues related to gender, education, health and well-being, human rights in general and child rights in particular and environmental preservation.

With a head office in Lubumbashi, they found a land not far away, where it was possible for us to install the pitch. Kipushi is centrally located and easily accessible for young kids, so it can cater a lot of people that want to play football. 

We started building this pitch in March 2023 and because of the hard work of a lot of volunteers, we managed to finish the first big part by the beginning of summer. 

However, extreme drought and some difficulties in the village nearby, made it almost impossible to sustain the land. 

Umoja continued watering the field, but we needed to wait for the first rains in October and November to really see the grass growing back. In the meantime, we have spread the pitch with the necessary extra vitamins and made sure everything is in place to facilitate the regrowth of the grass. 

Unfortunately, due to the latest presidential elections in December 2023, the situation in the Lubumbashi area has turned hostile. We stay in touch with Umoja and they continue what they are doing, but as safety in and around the pitch can’t be guaranteed for now, we will wait it out until we can guarantee this. 

In the meantime, Elvis goes to the pitch on a weekly basis to water and maintain the pitch.