Donate your love for Africa

Donate today and bring us closer to our goal

Donate through GoFundMe 🇬🇧

On our GoFundMe-page, you can find all information about our Run4Africa and what we already have collected. 

If you are a UK resident, this is the easiest way to donate, using Paypal.

Donate via your banking App 🇪🇺

Scan the QR-code with your banking App (ING, KBC, BNP, ..) and choose the amount you want to donate. It will be prefilled at 40 euros, but don't hesitate to change to whatever amount you prefer. 

If you are a non-UK resident, this is the easiest way to donate.

Or manually transfer your donation to the following bank account:
IBAN: BE38 7340 7875 0972
Account name: Project Africa VZW

Thank you so much for helping us in making these kids' dreams come true. Don't forget to follow us on Instagram to see the impact of your donation.